Red Peloton team members, join us for our Summer Ride-n-Lunch at Howarth Park.
Meet at 9 am at the Lower Oak picnic area.
There will be a Mountain option and a Road option departing at 9:30.
Road route:
This option heads East for a loop around Annadel, avoiding the Climate ride.
Depending on the size of this group, we may break into two groups (AB & C).
25.5ish miles and 1:40:00 ish hours.
This route was created with an average of 20 mph, for your reference.
This group will re-group at major intersections and the top of the Bennett Valley Climb.
Mountain route: TBD – but will be based on size and pace of group.
Depending on the size of this group, we may break into two groups (AB & C).
2 Hour target time.
This group will re-group throughout the ride.
Lunch will be served between 11:30 and 12:00.
Vegetarian options will be available.
Refreshments and water will be provided
Please RSVP so we can make sure we get the right amount of food.