Red Peloton welcomes members ages 18 and up who are interested in bike racing, serious cycling, or otherwise supporting our mission in the community.
The Red Peloton is an invitation-only race/club team made up of roughly 80 men and women ranging in age from 18 through Masters 50+.
Step 1: Identify Sponsoring Members
Membership is by invitation only. Prospective members must be recommended by 2 existing Red Peloton members. If you are interested in becoming a member, get to know one or more of our members ideally by sharing a ride, race or volunteering to support one of our many community activities.
Step 2: Review our Bylaws & Handbook
Red Peloton Members must be familiar with our team Bylaws and handbook.
Step 3: Complete an Application
After getting to know a member who will sponsor you and becoming familiar with our Bylaws and Code of Conduct, you will to submit an Application.