08 Aug Patterson Road Race 2021
Patterson Pass Road Race 2021
Cat 1/2/3 45+
Sunday I lined up for the Patterson Pass road race 45+ 123 race. Three laps on a tough course, total of ~70 miles with ~7,000 feet of climbing. Small field at the start given many were at Nationals, but still some strong riders. The first lap Thirsty Bear rode tempo up the climb and I led the descent. A rider attacked near the bottom of the first descent and no one chased. A bit later I grew impatient and chased a few times. Mid way through the first lap I had a motivation crisis, dropped off the back and threw a little pitty party and thought of just dropping out after the first lap. As the bunch distanced me my motivation returned and I chased back on, although when they saw I was coming they made me work for it. I burned too many matches messing around on the first lap and it came back to bite me at the end.
Near the end of lap 1 another rider bridged to the lead rider so I took a dig up the finishing line climb and brought one guy with me. We chased down the front two before the climb on lap 2, so now there were 4 of us. Just before the climb 2 more bridged up, so we were six, and stayed that way until after the climb on the 3rd lap. One guy flatted and another popped so that left 4 of us. On the backside of the course Kevin Metcalfe accelerated up a climb and took one guy with him, my legs were achy and another guy dropped his chain. So now it was 2 up front, me in 3rd. About 1/3 of a lap left to finish the guy in 4th came zooming by me, and we rode the rest of the race with two in front working together, a gap to 3rd, and a gap to me, and that is how we finished. Fourth place for me, could have been much better if Iu2019d been smarter on the first lap. The guy who won did the least amount of work throughout the race, just making efforts at critical moments, very smart bike racer. Afterwards I was super light headed, dehydrated, and had trouble standing, so definitely left it all out there!
Biggest plusses: 1) Raced with my new Red Peloton socks, they look really good with the current kit, very matchy matchy! 2) Got another rad Velo Promo t-shirt. 3) Was on a podium for the first time this year. 4) Won $7.00! ud83dude0a
Kyle Ashton